Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Prophecy Delivered By Kenneth E. Hagin: Winter Bible Seminar - Tulsa, OK

Excerpt on 2006

Now what about 2006? There is no way to tell it! Oh Lord, oh my! How do you describe it? And that's just the beginning. Yeah, when I say "beginning," I'm talking about what happens just at the beginning of the year!

And it'll grow in will be a glorious year. It will be a year of heaven on earth! But the end will be [even] more glorious than the beginning.

So rejoice and be glad. The enemy is a defeated foe! Jesus has triumphed. Victory belongs to everyone. No one should come up empty-handed, but everyone should walk in full victory, commanding and demanding their rights and privileges in Christ Jesus . . . demanding nothing of the FatherHe's the One who made the provision.

But demanding of the devil, who is endeavoring to thwart the plan of God, who is endeavoring to keep it from coming to pass.

But it will all come to pass. It will all come to pass at last.

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