Friday, October 30, 2009

God is our Protector and our Source. For nothing was created without Him. Through Him all things came into existence. Some put their faith in themselves, some in their money and some in their businesses. But when things take a twist then they search deep in their soul and are found wanting. For instance, I have seen people who trusted on their wealth but when they are struck with a fatal illness and then realize that there must be a deeper meaning to our existence here than just merely being passers by in this world.

Anything can be instantly taken away from us. However, if we are built on God's word and our company stand by His rock we are on solid ground. Unless God takes away my business from me, no man can as it was the Lord who planted the business.

I often tell the Lord it would be so much easier to be a doctor or to work for an MNC. But I stand steadfast as it was Him whom prepared me for the call of business and Him who spoke to many men of God of my calling. In Him we trust and it is Him who is the Provider. Only when the Lord say He will provide do we trust. Man's promise can be with good intentions but may also fail us, for a man's promise is often circumstantial if not conditional. This is because a man has limitations but God is not limited in His ways to provide and protect.

Why do I chronicle all these in writing? It is because in God's timing when things move, it is not sudden thought to say I trusted in God etc. On June 19, 2008 I posted an article of Ps.Charles saying that God had intended to give me my office as a launch pad into international business after a prayer meeting when I was only thinking of buying the office. Ps.Charles prayed from outside of the office as we had no key to go in and gave me God's confirmation and word. At that time I was just happy to be in Malaysia and ignored what he had prophesized about me being an international businessman. Now we have import license for health supplements/skincare/food in China plus infrastructure built in Taiwan. Our business is and will be a testimony of God's grace and providence to all those whom we deal with. If life was all smooth sailing there will be no testimony and no story to share of God's greatness.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Gods' word on the 26th Oct, 2009

Ecclesiastes 9:16; So I said "Wisdom is better than strength." But the poor man's wisdom is despised, and his words are no longer heeded.

As I was on the way to have dinner with senior executives from a very big global Japanese firm, the Lord dropped a verse out of the blue to my lawyer for me. It was God's word for the season to encourage us to move on as He builds up our organization into one that is heeded and respected. It also encouraged me ahead of the meeting with the Japanese and that God is there to lead us and we are on the right track.

We sometimes wonder why the restructuring process is so painful while acknowledging that it is needed. God wants us to be financially strong to do His work at this end-time.

Sunday, October 18, 2009



There is a saying in Chinese that when a tiger is in the wrong place, even the dog will bully him. Maybe it is just not the time for the tiger to be at the top yet.

Likewise in business when we are nearly there, we also know who are deserting us, not supporting me all the way, or look down on us. We also don't blame anyone as they have a choice. At this time we see who will support us as God has ordained and we are not short of people behind us. If anyone who wants to support us should do now and not later when things change. We already anticipated it as the Lord had earlier revealed. But the Lord also has shown ways earlier to be prepared. We are to be anxious for nothing as He is control and has a perfect plan for us.

In good time we will be big (and not saying it for the sake of saying it), then it will be a different story as people judge us on face value and don't even know what we have in the bag. God say leave the losers and skeptics behind.

Friday, October 16, 2009


God is present

Life goes on and God is always there for us and for me.

In life there is no certainty. In business there is no certainty. The only certainty is God.

Though going through various challenges, we are progressing and we also get to know who are our true friends and true supporters. It is God's way to let me know that people don't live for us.

I have a lot to thank God for the progress we have made in our business set up. If everyone agrees with your dream, then it is probably a nightmare. We nonetheless press on despite the skeptics as we can see the end game clearly and not too far away.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Good To Great

This best seller has been out for years but I only just got to read it. It examines 10 companies that outperformed their peers in the industry and the reasons WHY!

Good is the enemy of great! Many good companies became good, but they never become great As I read the book I see parallels how God is putting the foundations for a great company in our operations.

Painful as the measures may be but without addressing our problems we can never become great. As I read the things that are being changed in my company by David (my partner) I see that it is exactly what the 10 companies studied in the book had done to become great. I am not saying it just for the sake of saying it, but the transformation period is tough but needed to become a GREAT company.

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