Saturday, February 24, 2007


Heaven is so real

I read this book 3 years ago in Korea. At first glance the book looks really credible, but on further discernment I feel rather skeptical. Some of her description also contradicts the Bible. But my opinion is not important. Important thing is that brings people closer to God in love.

Some people says it brought them to a closer walk with Jesus. That is fine, but we should serve God out of love and compassion, not because of fear of not making it to heaven as a Christian (sound like another religion we know of right?) . "Fear" is from the devil.

Just because it was on sale in Full Yoido Church does not mean it infallible and the absolute truth. On a first read it sounds okay, but one further reflection I am doubtful. But my opinion is just an opinion.

Just go back to the Bible. Whether our calling is missions-inclined, healing, writing or deliverance, we are to be "Christ-centered". After all, as we know heaven is REAL, and if Jesus is not there, to me then heaven isn't heaven. Heaven can be real, but without Jesus there, heaven is not heaven.

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