Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Sitting on God

As I reflected on the ways of men in the market place, I am really baffled.

More specifically, being in the healthcare market doing the right thing can be frustrating.

The Lord opened the door for me to supply health supplements to an MLM company. There were two (2) types of products that I supplied – (1).Mens’ virility product; (2) weight loss.

My herbal products were unadulterated and worked slowly, over weeks and months. Competitive MLM companies had products that enhanced mens’ virility and erection instantly, and lost weight instantly.

I knew competitors’ adulterated their products with pharmaceutical drugs like sildenafil (Viagra) in their herbal products for mens’ virility. The MOH don't seem to act at all even knowing the products exist. Some enforcement officers even resign as if they don't take bribes, they were threatened.

I face an uphill battle as I have to educate distributors. They can understand but how about their potential clients who are taking herbal products that works in 40 minutes versus my product that takes weeks. But I committed it to the Lord and let him do the rest.

Likewise with weight loss products, many companies were banned by the health ministry as they were adding in antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs like sibutramine and fenfluramine (causing death).

We stick to what is right for the Lord is our portion and our inheritance. When we have Him we are not short of anything.

I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty. (J.D.R)

I now see it O God, what You have entrusted me with (products and businesses), comes with responsibility. You own the products O God, not me. I am just a custodian. I will guard my heart and not adulterate Your products O God. Now I just trust You O God and leave the competitors to you.

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