Sunday, April 22, 2007


The 11th Hour by Ron Wood (

The Eleventh Hour is identified by Christ in Mt 20.6-16. Here, workers are rewarded beyond what they expected because they arrived and labored in the last hour of the day. Are you an eleventh hour laborer?

Forces are converging that are producing sifting and sorting. Factors over which we have no control are forcing us to face our fears, fall apart, or reaffirm our faith and find strength to stand. Choices are being pressed upon us. Where will you be standing when your final hour to work for God arrives?

The Bible reveals that history is moving inexorably toward a climax- the return of Jesus Christ (Mt 24.44). As this Great Day approaches, look at these signs of the times. We see society moving toward an inevitable harvest, where both the wheat and the tares have ripened side by side (Mt 13.24-30). When mature, the fruit of God's seed is set in stark contrast to Satan's seed, but in its early stages, you can't make a distinction.

Humanity, by its posture toward the will of God as it relates to Israel, is now being divided into two camps- sheep and goats (Mt 25.31-46). The nations will be judged.

As more and more people adopt pagan lifestyles rather than apostolic faith (secular humanism versus Christian community), God is sending forth angels as reapers to divide the wicked from among the righteous (Mt 13.49). In other words, if you want to live like hell, there are now angels assigned to help you do it.

Judgment is already occurring and we seem oblivious to it. The world is being weighed and found wanting and still doesn't see the handwriting on the wall.

Here at the end of the age we all are being faced with the need to choose sides. There is no avoiding this decision and the default act of NOT choosing is itself a choice. Will we align ourselves with the God of history or will we live as though Christ never was? Will we deny the fact that He once came to redeem us? Will we ignore the prophecy of Scripture that He is returning to rule over planet earth?

Much of the church world is in denial and willfully ignorant. Many attempt to avoid the fray and stay passive. That choice, however, is not available. Either by faith we become victors and overcome, or by our inaction we become victims imprisoned by our enemy.

Years ago I heard Bible Teacher Bob Mumford say, "God only has two problems: the pastors and the people. Other than that, the Lord doesn't have any problems."

For the last month, I have awakened repeatedly at an odd hour- 3:44 in the morning. It has happened so often that I lost count. I told the Lord, "You have my attention. What is it you are saying to me?" As I considered this, I wondered if there was a Bible reference that corresponded to this: chapter 3 verse 44? I found none. But I did turn to Ezekiel 34.4, a verse with which I was already familiar. It addresses pastors and leaders.

This verse gives an alarming indictment from God against his shepherds. He accuses them of feeding themselves but not feeding his sheep. He says they had not lifted up the fallen, gathered the scattered, or healed the wounded. In other words, they were fat and happy and content to be fed off the flock but were not actively rescuing the lost and thus saving them from their doom or solving their misfortunes. These shepherds were jaded professionals. Their mercy-gift was diminished but their carnal appetites were sated. To these shepherds, the Lord said, "I myself will rescue my flock from your hand!"

An incredible sorting is now occurring. Christ himself, the Head of the church, is reassigning his sheep. He is removing his people from sheepfolds (churches) where they have been controlled or dominated by legalism or by harsh authority, and he is placing them under genuine shepherds who possess healing balm for their wounded souls.

Jesus is the Good Shepherd (Jn 10). The word good in this context doesn't mean morally good, although that is true. It means effective or capable, qualified or productive. Jesus knows how to tend to his people well. He knows how to use the tools of a shepherd, the rod and the staff. He knows how to pickup fallen sheep who are cast down. He knows how to fight off the lion and the bear. He knows how to lead his sheep into the safety of the sheep-fold at night. He knows how to feed them beside still waters and green pastures (Ps 23).

Jesus is the model pastor. Today, He appoints under-shepherds (see Acts 20:28) who have his heart and have learned his skills, although not necessarily with a seminary degree or with professional credentials. In fact, cold-hearted education, if it is devoid of the Spirit or contrary to God's Word, may hinder rather than help.

God is making distinctions between those who say they will serve him versus those who actually do serve him. Words are cheap and don't count for much. The Lord is looking for fruit, not just buildings or large crowds. How do we measure success? Do we want the real evidence of the kingdom of God in our midst? Do we want the fruit of the Spirit or just the flash of spectacular gifts? The latter may be displayed by false prophets, whereas genuine love, humility, or faithfulness cannot be mimicked.

Jesus walked up to the edge of the lake after preaching to the crowd. Standing there, he looked at the fishermen whose boats were pulled on shore. He had to make a distinction. He had to make a choice. He chose Peter's boat and told him to thrust out into the deep water for a catch.

Here was Christ the Lord, choosing to side with a businessman (fisherman) while the preachers back at the Temple were fearful of this new revival. Jesus didn't go with the religious crowd, he went instead with a profane businessman who had fished all night and caught nothing. You know the rest of the story- Peter caught a miraculous quantity of fish, thus making a huge profit. Then he fell to his knees and asked for mercy, seeing his sinfulness and respecting the Savior's power.

Many in these last days will find themselves blessed beyond their wildest dreams. Why? Because the Lord got into their boat and God's favor came on them. God is choosing men and women today based on criteria not readily visible, based on who we can become rather than who we have been. It is not a religious choice, but a character choice. The charisma, the power of the Holy Spirit, will certainly come later but the initial choice is based on how we will respond to Jesus when he manifests his glory in our non-religious setting.

It is not only sinners who need to bow their knees to Jesus and ask for mercy. It's also pastors who dwell at ease in Zion, who think it doesn't matter if they compromise God's word, who fail to feed the flock, who frighten people into quenching the Spirit, or who distort the right ways of God by substituting manmade rules or traditions.

For you who fear the Lord, Prov. 34:4 will come to pass

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