Saturday, June 09, 2007


May 13 and the Cross

Just finished reading this book. It is quite a dry read. You can buy this book in Popular bookstore. Besides just reading this book we should ponder the spiritual implications behind May 13 and beyond. When it happened I was only 4 months old. Guess the situation could have been worse, as in the Bible, King Herod and the Egyptian Pharaoh killed all male babies (Matthew 2:3; Exodus 1:22).

There are many race and religious conflicts in this world, not just Malaysia. For instance, the Arab-Jews-Palestinian conflict. There is a cycle of revenge after revenge but where does it end. We need to forgive each other for reconciliation to take place.

But how do we forgive? The answer is on the cross of Jesus Christ. He paid the price for all so that we can forgive. It is true that other religions may have no element of forgiveness, but we must follow the example Jesus gave us.

God used Mikhael Gorbachev ( a communist leader) to tear down the walls of communism in USSR. He used Frederick DeKlerk ( a white man) to rid apartheid in South Africa. It is always someone from within the system that God use to make changes. Likewise, I believe if the political landscape in Malaysia is to change for the better, it must come from within the Malay fraternity. Moses himself was an Egyptian prince. If Malay leaders begin to pray for God's mercy and revival, we will witness miracles after miracles as God will act in all His might and power.

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