Friday, July 27, 2007


Exciting days ahead

I believe God is going to do new things in our lives and in our businesses. I can testify to this. Our eyes however need to be fixed on the Lord Jesus.

The world financial climate has been increasing unpredictable, as new elements like terrorism and pestilences clouds an increasingly complex financial and political matrix. We as Christians must not only be ready to cushion the unpredictable, but be ready when opportunities arise from these crises.

Some may be ready to take on new properties in the coming years, while some may have a crisis fund ready for any stock market crisis that can come anytime. We must be ready, and evolve to new investment and business strategies. It is all about preparation and having the Lord as your partner. God works through us but we must be ready and prepared. Our skills and knowledge must constantly evolve. The world we are planning for today will not exist in this form tomorrow.

The old adage that big will gobble up the small isn’t always true. In the industrial age, the bigger the better. In the information age, invisible is the best. It isn’t a matter of big fish eat small fish. It is the fish that is fastest to react and fastest to capitalize on new ideas and opportunities that will get the prize. Sometimes big organizations become too fat, inflexible, and have little room for creativity and adaptability.

As we all move on as a church, and enter an era of “new beginnings”, the thought comes to mind that there are no evolved organizations – only evolved individuals and leaders that create them. I sense a deep sense of gratitude that by God's grace I have evolve over the years, undoubtedly for the better and seeing the Hand of God pruning my very being.

Many of us see the world as we are, and not the world as it is. We see the world with our own limited experience, and our through our own lens which can be limiting. We all need God to move our paradigm of the world (even business world) towards reality for us to be more effective. That is the power of the paradigm shift. If we remain stuck on our views and ways there can only be limited success.

The years ahead will be exciting, challenging and not without its difficulties. Be ready to cross the river Jordan. The days ahead we will be the conquering of the Promised Land. With the Lord’s guidance, Joshua conquered Canaan in 7 years. Likewise, for those the Lord has prepared in the desert, the next 7 years we will see the realization of the promises of God in our lives and in our businesses. In these last days, God wants us to inherit all the blessings of the cross – healing, peace, grace, supernatural favor, and prosperity. This will bring us to 2014 and the manifestation of His glory will then be ever more glorious.

There will be challenges ahead for a new era is ahead of us. Indeed we need a quantum leap in faith and courage to step into the river Jordan. Many of you are currently preparing for the crossing, some are wading through. It is indeed a new beginning.

The task of any leader is to get his people from where they are (wilderness) to where they have not been (Canaan) in all aspects of their lives. Be a Joshua to those who are in need of help, encouragement and prayer. It is about conquering the Promised Land in this divine timing.

Fellow friends, as we evolve, I believe we will transform, and our lives will become ever more meaningful. And today knowing what I know, I believe we will all conquer the Promised Land and reach the destiny God has for our lives… as it is His grace that will see us through with courage, faith, love and hope.

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