Monday, July 23, 2007


I stopped eating pork

I actually stopped eating pork for 2 weeks and feel so much fitter in my running and swimming. I had one piece of roast pork and felt rather sickly two weeks ago.

Leviticus 11:7-8 "And the pig, though it has a split hoof completely, does not chew chud; it is unclean for you. You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you".

Since this Old Testament command, what has changed? Yes, we have the indwelling Holy Spirit in us, but does that immune us to unhealthy dietary practices? Absolutely, "not".

Pork consumption is high among the Chinese. It is one of the fattiest meats, rich in saturated fats. The organs of any animals are high in cholesterol, but the Chinese seems to spare no part of a pig, not even the intestines. A swine if left on its own will eat itself to death. Firstly, pigs eat a lot of rubbish. Secondly, even commercial pigs are full of toxins as by eating a lot, the hydrochloric acid in the pig’s stomach is diluted and bacteria and parasites can thrive.

If you check the wikepia, it states that the pigs have no effective "sweat glands". That is why they bathe and wattle in mud to keep cool. As a doctor and a person dealing with health, I know in humans, probably the major excretory organ is the skin along with the kidneys and intestine. So all the toxins and rubbish accumulate in the meaty pork that we eat as pigs have no effective sweat glands.

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