Monday, July 23, 2007


Not all fishes have scales

I have always despised the taste of patin fish and catfish. I wondered why each time I eat them I feel sickly.

These fishes have no scales, and strictly according to the Bible we are not meant to eat them. Scales are to protect the fishes from the external environment, from toxins, lead, mercury etc that poisons the sea. Fishes without scales have a membranous layer (eat patin and you will know) which is high in cholesterol, possibly toxins such as lead and mercury which accumulates in fatty tissue.

But I must admit I do like to eat promphet (ikan bawah putih) which has no scales, eeeks! Maybe I have to give that up, or maybe not just yet he!he! The catfish and patin I have refused to eat all along anyway so no big issue he!he!

Pomfret has scales, small ones.
Hi.Tq for the pointer. God bless
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