Wednesday, July 25, 2007


The Power of Praying At Midday

Some of you who read my earlier posting, "The power of Praying at midnight" may wave a liberal fist in protesting whether I am too much. I had asked you to consider praying at midnight and now I am proposing that you pray at midday.

As for myself, I have committed to the Lord to pray for an hour at midnight on specific days. I have not quite gotten to the rhythm of praying that long at midday, but I guess if possible, even 5-10 minutes will do.

Yes, God is everywhere and available anytime, but note that there are specific times whereby the spiritual activities in the heavenlies are at a high point. The powers of darkness with its sorcerers and witchcrafts can manipulate the heavens at specific set times. The Muslims pray 5 times a day at set times. There must be a reason!

The greatest encounter, between the forces of light and darkness took place on the cross at midday.

"And it was about the sixth hour (i.e 12 noon or midday) and there was darkness over the earth until the ninth hour (i.e 3pm). Then the sun was darkened and the veil of the temple was turn into two (Luke 23:44-45).

Midday is the high point of the day.

Why is midday dangerous?

  1. The spirit of destruction is most active in the midday.
  2. There is an unnatural spirit of slumber and sleep released at midday.
  3. Carelessness and drunkeness at midday could lead to death.
  4. Satan releases a spirit of weariness that limits productivity at midday.
  5. Midday, for some people, is a time of drunkenness and irresponsibility.

Why should we pray at midday?

  1. Persecutors of the church can be arrested at midday and turned into preachers of the gospel (Acts 26:8-19).
  2. Nations can receive help in the heat of trouble at midday (1 Samuel 11:6-11).
  3. Long lasting problems ca be solved at midday (Genesis 18:1-14).
  4. Angelic visitations and covenant blessings can be provoked at midday (Genesis 18:1-14).
  5. Defeat can be turned into victory at midday (Isaiah 58:10).
  6. Shepherds can bring their flocks into their rest at midday (Song of Solomon 1;7).
  7. Family covenants can be restored or reactivated at midday (Genesis 43:33-34).
  8. Divine favour can be released to lastborns at midday (Genesis 43:33-34).

where can I buy the book two books The Power of Praying at Midday and Midnight.

Cann some one help me please. Pls. email me:

Maria Ong
Hi. I got it from Grace assembly PJ when the speaker came. God bless.
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