Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Are we worthy?

Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what does righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? (2 Corinthians 6: 14-16)

There are some things in the bible that are difficult because they are hard to understand. There are some things in the bible that are difficult because they are hard to ACCEPT. But more often sadly it is the latter.

Some may feel that some of God’s commands may be a bit too much, as if some heavenly spoilsport or dictator who does not understand our feelings and emotions had conjured it up. We may wave our liberal fists at some of his commands we do not like; but the fact remains that he is God and we’re not.

God had created a universe that functions by certain moral as well as physical laws. For instance, the law of gravity keeps us constrained, just as moral laws performs the same function in the spiritual sphere.


By the grace of God we have discovered God’s light and know that His word is sacrosanct. They are there for the very reason to ensure we are not ensnared by what is evil and instead to live a fruitful life and be guided by his Word (Proverbs 2). We simply cannot rewrite it to suit our living and personal convictions.

I have learnt since we are all God’s children we can either take God’s word as an absolute or as an indicative? After all, if we don’t believe in Him, why bother to take heed any of his commandments?

If we based our convictions on the word of God, we are taking it as an absolute. If not then we are taking it as an indicative, and since it is not consistent with the word of God, we always have to be justifying our reasons for not doing so.

A conviction not in line with God’s word is certainly from our own flesh, as the guiding Holy Spirit does not contradict the Word of God. The Word of God tells us precisely not to form binding relationships with unbelievers.

A conviction inconsistent with the word of God is not peaceful. Just try to blot out those verses from memory. Try in your heart not to believe those commands or that God did not give those commands. Try every argument you can to convince yourself that you are in line with his word or it is just misinterpreted by the masses. The reality is that you cannot even if you try to blot them out from your soul (memory). It is because it the ‘conscience’ of your spirit man is not at peace. I know as I have tried. It is just like trying to convince yourself that you do not believe in God anymore. Just try it for the next 2 weeks.


God in all his infinite wisdom has given us very clear and absolute commands. When Eve didn’t take God’s instructions as an absolute, problems began.

God had commanded that they shall not eat from the tree of knowledge, just as Paul had asked us not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. Look at what happens when we start questioning God’s command. When our mind is stimulated, it stifles the spirit and the Spirit therefore can’t lead us.

Just look at how devious Satan puts forth the question to get our mind to think instead of just believing. “Did God really say, you shall not eat from every tree of the garden”. See the danger in even questioning God’s command. When our soul (mind) takes over the spirit loses its governance. God made man a tripartite being and had ordained that the spirit governs the soul and the body. But with the fall of man, fellowship of our own spirit with the Spirit (God) is lost. We don‘t hear from God. Instead now the spirit of a man is lost in the soul and being dictated by the soul. This is what is meant by being soulish (flesh). In the New Testament, as sons of God, we are to be led by the Spirit (Romans 8:14).

In as much as we form binding relationships with non-believers, we are testing God’s command not to eat from the tree of knowledge. ‘Did he really say’ one cannot date a non-believer, even if there is a hope God’s grace will see that he or she will come to the faith.

Even if the unbelieving friend came to know Christ it is simply because of God’s grace, and we are not to credit it as our self-righteous judgment. Nor must one ever dare to give those who had advised us in love the kind of “Told you I was right in the beginning” look. In life, I have learnt that just because others are wrong it does not necessary make us right. It is all God’s grace and we still need Him to maintain a healthy relationship. Simply thank God for his grace and the prayers of others for your well-being.


The bible tells us that Adam was not deceived by the devil (1 Timothy 2: 14). But we know he loved Eve and fell because of his affections (soul) for Eve. When we are emotionally tied-up to someone, or emotionally ‘yoked,’ we are not able to follow the Spirit. The devil got Adam to fall into sin by attacking his emotions. Sin did not enter the world when the woman sinned, but when Adam sinned (Romans 5:12) as God had made him accountable right in the beginning.

In short, once we are emotionally involved, we might be tempted to compromise on our God given principles as regards to certain things without us realizing. Also our focus and commitment towards doing God’s work may be compromised.


I have recently learnt not to judge brothers and sisters who are at the wrong end of the stick as far as God’s commands are concerned. Just simply pray that they remain within God’s grace and that the cross works deeper into their hearts and that God will sanctify them through and through (spirit, soul and body)- 1 Thessalonians 5:23.

Each time we do not take God’s word as an absolute we are in reality compromising. It has been well said, “Give Satan an inch and he will be a ruler”. Paul even warned that the time would come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. But instead to “suit their own desires.” (2 Timothy 4:3)

Therefore do not be deceived (1 Corinthians 6:9) as we cannot see everything with our naked eye, as the battle in the beginning was not against flesh but against the spiritual forces in the heavenly realms. Receive the word not in the word of men (their own convictions), but as in truth the word of God (1 Thessalonians 2:13), and continue to live in the truth in these last days.


“Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it” Matthew 10:37-39

What then does the Word of God say about our affections for loved ones, be it our family members, spouse or special friend, in relation to God? It is very clear.

Abraham was obedient and took God’s command to sacrifice Isaac as an absolute even though it made no sense. The reality is that God can give us things and take it away just as easily. The relationships we have, whether of God or not can come and go, but only the Lord remains. As David said “Whom have I in heaven but Him” (Psalms 73:25). What God desires is for our hearts to want him over and above everything. Understandably it is hard but are we willing to put our affections on the cross if required and follow him. Are we worthy of Him? Many of us await the return of the Lord, but not all will be unashamed and confident when they meet him (1 John 2:28). Let us be blameless till his coming.

Young believers will take time to stay on the cross. But in the maturation process, we are to increasingly set our lives apart for Him and Him only.

“Do not be unequally yoked”. These are not the arbitrary commands of a heavenly dictator, but a Creator who knows what is best. He too understands the pain in going on the cross and cries with us that he may laugh with us later.

His grace will be more than sufficient and his “love is…with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts”(Psalms 130:17-18)

March 27, 2001

Victor Chen

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