Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Loving Malaysia - the key to intercession

As I prayed at midnight today, I felt led to pen some words down. It was important to intercede for the nation and ourselves as August is a key month. We need to usher in this important month battling the dark forces with power of the Holy Spirit and that God's will prevail over Malaysia.

God has given us the spiritual weapons and authority to rule the earth. Deut 32:30 says that one can chase a thousand and two put ten thousand to flight. There are so many enemies on the other camp we can nullify if there were enough soldiers of Christ battling. This is the year of Jubilee in Malaysia, and God has come to take His land back (Lev 27:24) but many of us have not arisen in prayer warfare.

I have an ex-colleague who sends mass emails of downloaded materials from Malaysia Today. His intention is to make people aware of the current government's shortcomings and to vote them out. However, the Lord has given us Christians a better tool, the weapon of 'prayer', not necessarily to vote anyone out of power but to change the spiritual landscape of the nation. There are just not enough warriors interceding deeply for Malaysia. We must love the country first, then interceding for Malaysia comes naturally.

2 Kings 19:35 shows if we intercede in the 'night', we can call upon the angel of the Lord and put to death 185,000 enemies. Only one angel is needed to put to death 185,00 enemies - racial discrimination, unfair policies, diseases, depression, corruption, financial blockages, business enemies etc. It was in the night that the angel acted, and in the morning the battle is already won when they enemies awake (Read 2 Kings 19:35).

We can call forth the angels of the Lord to help Malaysia. We can call upon the angel of the Lord to tear down the kingdom of darkness. There are more angels than evil spirits, as only a-third of the angels fell. Moreover, God is likely to be creating new angels constantly. We need not call upon many angels to do a job, as it will be too boring for them. One can kill 185,000 enemies, so if we call upon too many angels in some cases it will be like dropping a nuclear bomb on Singapore (just an illustration)!

This is not the time to be idle as the hour is urgent.

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