Saturday, August 04, 2007
Praying Through The Promises of God
There are about 7,000 promises in the Bible.
Many of us have also received prophecies concerning our life and businesses, but often we see things going from bad to worse, teetering on the brink of collapse. Satan and his forces do not know the exact purposes of God concerning you in a particular area, until they are revealed by prophecy. Immediately, after they discover a revelation, they take measures to ensure that the prophecy for your life never come to pass. If you fold your arms and say "because God said it, it shall surely come to pass", the prophecy can be aborted by the kingdom of darkness. Satan is not the sort who will just sit still. He will declare war on that prophecy and most of us don't even know it.
The promises of God are manifested by earnest prayers. We need to break through in the realm of the spirit by battling earnestly in the realm of the spirit.
There are many preachers citing faith is important. They say that without faith it is impossible to please God. "All you have do is to master the art of faith confession". Believe it and you will move the mountains of your life so to speak. Some will also proclaim Duet 8:18 proclaiming God's anointing for us to get wealth. But the Bible clearly states,..."the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man avails much (James 5:16)", not the faith of the righteous. Without the confession of faith through prayer, our faith is worthless.
The moves of God never precede prayers, and things don't happen because people believed the promise. Satan will contend with one's faith, but flee from the prayers of a submitted saint. You must do more than just believe. You must wow to get violent in prayer in the Spirit over God's promises for your life, and to destroy the plots of the enemy to hinder the Heavenly Father's promises to you.
This book reminded me that my praying in the dark hours of the night are not futile but needed.