Monday, March 10, 2008


Post Elections

There must be continual intercession for the nation. As Esther said "for such a time like this", we need to pray for peace, stability and that the respective party leaders will pick the right people for the right job.

"Righteousness exalts a nation" (Proverbs 14:34). How can a country be
fruitful and fertile if the government ignores corruption, civil liberties, rising crime and the many ills in Malaysia?

We as Christians need to continue to pray for God to heal this land (2 Chronicles 7:14). Our land is sick, filled with corruption, cover-ups , ridiculous toll rates, and racially discriminating policies. We pray that the PM will indeed do the right thing and set things right. God give him a chance in 2004 but he didn't address the many ills that plaque this nation. There is still time for him the do it right now and we must pray that God will impart him the wisdom and courage to make the right actions from now on.

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