Tuesday, April 15, 2008



Today the newspaper reported they will allow the 2 Israelis in the Chelsea football team to travel into Malaysia.

Malaysia does not recognize Israel as a sovereign state just like over 30 Muslim majority countries. Why? have you ever asked why?

If you don't recognize a country it means it does not exist, or denying it exist, but it is there. You tune into CNN and you see Israel on TV everyday though in continual conflict. But it exists!

Historically Jerusalem has never been the capital of any nation besides Israel and the Jebusites. There was never a country called Palestine and Jerusalem was never the capital of a state called Palestine. The Palestinians were living there and the land was called Palestine but there was never a country called Palestine. When the Romans captured Israel they punished the Jews for the rebellion and named the land after their traditional enemies the "Philistines" and hence Palestine. After Israel occupied the land in 1948, the Palestinians fled to Arab countries but they were "rejected" by their Muslim brothers. Lebanon then a prosperous Christian country accepted the refugees and hence evolving into today's mess.

There are some things in history you cannot change. These are all facts!.

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