Sunday, April 20, 2008


Quote from the movie "Braveheart"

Every man dies. Not every man truly lives.
- William Wallace (Mel Gibson).

If you see the show Braveheart, at the end William went to face death with this now famous quote.

Every man dies. Death is a certainty. Yes it true, that because of the cross, death has lost its sting (1 Corinthians 15:55). In Him we have eternal life.

In truth we are a spiritual being having a temporal earthly existence. Our spirit don't die. If we are in Christ we go back to God. If not we will not be with Him in heaven. Of course there are those who believe their spirit will be reincarnated to a dog or a rat depending on one's conduct while on this earth. They will cease to exist (Nirvana) if they are not found wanting. When you stop believing in the Truth, the danger is not that you will believe in nothing, but any ridiculous thing. For instance, an orphan will keep acknowledging anyone as his/her parents, until he/she finds the true father and mother.

We are here for a purpose. Many are yet to find the very reason for their voyage on this earth. A friend said he wants to do charity and another said she wanted to break into the show business within 5 years. They can do all these but unless they know their Creator and fulfill His purposes for him/her, there will always be eventual emptiness in the heart.

Some live for their kids. Some live for their business. These things are not with you forever, even your loved ones. When the curtains are drawn back eventually on your life, have you truly lived?  You can only truly begin to answer this if you know why you were created in the first place. It is that simple!

Every man dies. Not every man truly lives.

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