Wednesday, June 04, 2008


End times

Picture of cars jamming to pump petrol in a Caltex station in SS4 Petaling Jaya.

Petrol will rise RM0.78 per liter as of midnight to RM2.70 per liter. This is a 40% increase in a country that is a net exporter of oil (very odd).

This increase will hurt the Malaysian public like never before. People will be shaken and be fearful. Prices will all increase across the board. Businesses will suffer and people will find it hard to make ends meet.

The Bible has already said that at the end-times, people will find that their salaries cannot even help them put food to mouth. The world is being shaken and God is asking the masses to turn to Him. He is the only hope and and only true answer. He is their salvation.

To us Christians we are not to fear the "fear of the world", for those who dwell in the shadow of the Almighty will find refuge in His love and protection. He is our Provider and our Source.

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