Friday, June 19, 2009


Fathers' Day

This Sunday is fathers' day. I am very blessed that dad is still healthy and on the go. We are very close to this date. In fact he is like a buddy and a friend to me. Having a strong father to guide me since childhood has given me a head start in all aspects of life.

The strength of a nation is only as strong as the strength its family units. Most broken families are a result of fatherlessness. Children from broken homes never seem to come out the same. I have friends who are now divorced or suffer many repercussions as a result of divorced parents at an early age. Fathers, who were not good role models and never giving security to their daughters, often see their daughters seeking that assurance from preying men. In any society, it is not solely the development of various industries or advancement of cutting-edge technologies that will make a nation strong. It is the people that make a nation great. Family units must be strong for nation building. It is the values that the people have that transform a country. The values of fairness, hard work, fair play, honesty and hunger for continual improvement are the building stones, and those that must transgress a society for it to excellent.

A committee set up by Al Gore investigating into the cause for the increasing crime in America concludes that ‘Fatherlessness’ is the main reason for family breakdown, which inevitably was the main cause for crime and social ills.

Fatherlessness is the lack of concern for the family and is pandemic around the world. Fathering is not just providing for the financial needs of the family, but also counseling, mentoring, encouraging, communicating, loving and leading. Fathering is a comprehensive task. That is why it takes man to do it. Dad did all that was needed of him as my father.

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