Thursday, April 08, 2010


Mattersey Hall

Praise God that I have been accepted to study Masters in Practical Theology at Mattersey Hall. Mattersey Hall is the bible school of the UK Assemblies of God (AOG). The course is 2.5 years by distant learning with 2 weeks of lectures per year at Tung Ling Seminary.

I also wonder whether I still have the discipline to do another degree with the traveling and businesses abroad and pending relocation to HK/China. But I know it is for the Lord as He will use me later to preach His specific message at an appointed time. Without the paper qualifications it just doesn't seem complete yet to do the work He has for me to do in the future.

The Lord put a question in my heart. Should the global business He is building through me be worth the billions in US$ will I will be able to give it away and put it into a trust fund to do His work? To be honest it is hard to answer, but I must say it is easier for me than others as I know very how the Lord took me out of my mess and lifted me.

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