Friday, November 19, 2010


Wed nite Bible study

On Wednesday we had a discussion on healing, and they still talk of certain people who gave testimonies of being healed from cancer etc, and another inclination is that we must have enough faith to be healed.

I am real. More people die from cancer than being healed of it after prayers. This much I can tell you. So don't lose your faith in God's ability to heal you if you see someone die. In fact for every testimony of God healing a person from cancer maybe another 20 died from it despite prayers etc.

Firstly our faith for God to heal us is not in testimomnies though they are good to share an uplift us and more importantly to give the Lord the glory. Miracle do happen as God can heal and does heal miraculously. But our faith is not in the testimonies but in the fact that He is our Healer (Exodus 15:26). Therefore rest in Him as He won't simply say He is your healer if God is a half-past-six doctor. He is a proven healer with a good reputation. For instance if you have a knee problem, you will go to an orthopaedic surgeon with a good reputation, and not just any doctor right? God Himself says "I AM" you healer, "I am" your surgeon", so rest in His reputation as a Healer.

Yes we must have faith and trust the Lord whether we are healed or not for the secret things belong to the Lord (Duet 29:29) if the worst happen. Don't go and tell suffering patients that they do not have enough faith, or someone reduced to bones in a oncology ward that he/she must have more faith. it won't help. Ask them to rest in Jesus's faith and his ability to heal you (Mark 9:14-24). When you rest in Jesus' faith you have all the faith for miracles to happen.

God healed you 2000 years ago (1 Peter 2:24). By His stripes you were healed and it is past tense. Just receive it! Your sins won't block your healing coz Christ has died for your sins. If your sins is hindering your healing then Jesus died in vain on the cross.

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