Sunday, December 12, 2010



Today while praying for someone I released a word of prophecy. He was asking us to pray for his upcoming work appraisal by his boss, and I saw a vision of orderly books and told him that he will not only have a good appraisal but be moved into admin work as part of a promotional move by the Lord. I have been spiritually out of tune for a while and have not move in the spiritual gifts for a while :-(.

I remembered praying for brother Terrence in a cell group once and told him God will give him a baby boy, and 2 years later his wife gave birth to a boy. I remember praying for a sister who broke up with the boyfriend and saw a vision of a horse running away and not returning. She flew to Melbourne to try to get back the guy she dated for 7 years from uni days but he never did come back to her.

I remember in my late 20's when Pastor Joshua prophecized that I will have a mulitnational business with products sold worldwide, I just kept it aside as I was still a very junior employee at Abbott. I am nowhere near that even now, but it seems more likely than 15 years ago.

I remember when Ps.Sally's husband prayed for me (in 2006) and said that the Lord will send me a business mentor I didn't think much of it, but 2 years later the Lord did send me a mentor cum partner in David Liu. Praise the Lord!

I remembered when Ps.Margaret Falls prayed for me and said that my business needs to be revamped and repackaged in 2007 and David later helped in that process in 2009 and 2010.

I remembered in 2003 when my partner Chris and I was looking for an office to rent, Pastor Joshua prayed for me (not knowing I was looking for an office) and released the word that the Lord will give me a blue-glass building that will house my corporation. At that time I only had 20% share of the company (Vidalin Corporation) and it went under as my partner Chris and others squandered all the money on night clubs and women. As a result I had to go back to employment and later came out again to establish Eleventh Hour and Guangzhou Dochen. Maybe the blue-glass building is for the 2 companies which I control :-).

I remembered I was so down in the beginning of 2007 that brother James Tan brought me to Wednesday night prayer meetings led by Pastor Charles Popson at Grace Assembly. One night Ps.Charles send me a personal SMS and said a breakthrough will come my way and it did the next month and I made 600k from that breakthrough. He later prayed and said that I will have a palm tree business in China. Palm tree being a tree where every part has economical value.

Yes it is a long road but yet I count my blessings. The Lord is good and He has a plan for me. I am too precious for the Lord to ignore :-).

Well all I can say is that we plan for the mid-to-long term but live each day as it comes.

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