Wednesday, January 19, 2011
I am the fastest fish
In China I am a small fish in a big pond, but the old adage that big will gobble up the small isn’t always true. In the industrial age, the bigger the better. In the information age, invisible is the best. Just look at the IT entrepenuers and sales via portal like taobao (US$29 billion in 2009).
It isn’t a matter of big fish eat small fish. It is the fish that is fastest to react and fastest to capitalize on new ideas and opportunities that will get the prize. Sometimes big organizations become too fat, inflexible, and have little room for creativity and adaptability.
By God's grace we will remain higly innovative and creative in our products, marketing and distribution, and we will outperform the rest.
It isn’t a matter of big fish eat small fish. It is the fish that is fastest to react and fastest to capitalize on new ideas and opportunities that will get the prize. Sometimes big organizations become too fat, inflexible, and have little room for creativity and adaptability.
By God's grace we will remain higly innovative and creative in our products, marketing and distribution, and we will outperform the rest.