Saturday, April 30, 2011


The breath of life

Ps 39:5 says "Each man's life is but a breath." NIV.

In fact once there is no breath in us, we die a physical death.

In fact scientists have shown by putting participants aged 60+ on a treadmill to measure how much oxygen they can consume, participants who consumed or processed more oxygen (aerobic capacity) lived longer. These participants were followed up for a 11 year period.

Aerobic capacity, often referred to as VO2 Max, this can be measured in a gym or a physiological lab using a treadmill or bicycle with a gas analyzer. It measures how much oxygen your body can make use of each minute. Studies have shown that higher VO2 Max correlates with a longer life-expectancy. Aerobic capacity indicates how well your lungs take in air, how much oxygen is coursing from your lungs to the bloodstream, how well your heart is pumping it to the muscles and how well your capillaries are delivering it to your cells. Most people’s VO2 Max declines as they move past 35. This decline is reversible with aerobic workouts. As you reverse it, your body will grow younger and your mind clearer.

Ref: 1. Blair, S et al. Physical Fitness and All-Cause Mortality. J of the American Medical Association 1989, 262: 2395-401

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