Sunday, March 17, 2013


When the wine finished (Pastor Charles Popson, March 17, 2013).

The only thing that guarantees your future is the scripture.

On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding. And when they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no wine.” Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come.” (John 2:1-4 NKJV)

Something significant about the third day, and we are in the third month of the year.
It is the activity of the trinity for you to reach eternity. Bible days what is the point if a man gains the world but loses his soul.

Prosperity without eternity is equal to poverty.
It is one thing to know the church viz a viz knowing the God of the church.
Until you search n find God it is futility.

It is on the third day that Jesus rose. Get ready to rise up this week. It is the power of the trinity.
This is the third Sunday on the third month. When God of trinity comes no one can stop your blessings

Wedding story.... Jesus is preparing to come and marry the church.

Jesus was invited to the wedding. Jesus was invited for a visitation at the celebration.
When you invite Jesus he has the opportunity to manifest His glory.

If Jesus was not invited, Satan will be there. If you marry Lucifer's daughter how do you stop the devil moving to your house.

"When they ran out of wine". Your sufficiency is never sufficient when God is not involved.
Money does not answer all problems, Jesus does.

It does not matter the difficulty, the persecution when you have Jesus you will come through.
Jesus' mother was compassionate like most women. When there is a problem in the family, in the church, in the nation, women will respond.

What made the mother made Jesus to do this miracle? Jesus had been turning water to wine for his parents. It was mot strange to Mary. She wanted to help the community. Mary is proud of her child. Who are you to your aging parents?

Jesus answered to his mother "woman". Jesus was addressing to all women of the world. He said woman my time has not come. God is a timekeeper. To everything there is a time. How short or long is your journey to eternity only God knows.

If Jesus was not in a hurry why should we? He didn't wanted an artificial manifestation.
When you try to arrive before you arrived you will be covered before you are discovered. Wait for your time, your breakthrough. Everything we want is fast food.

Everything in the world works with time. Procrastination is wasting time. Time management is life management. Be prepared and pregnant for God to deliver your success.

Your time is in His hand. Don't run ahead of God. Yes we need help from him to help us manage our time. We need Him.

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