Thursday, September 05, 2024


Saul is removed. God has sent me my David

 Saul is removed. God has given me my David.


After removing Saul, he made David their king. God testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.’ (Acts 13:22)


I often feel overlooked when it comes to relationships.  I felt I was ready for a relationship in 2024 and God had allowed me to cross paths with Miss B. But she brought me on an emotional rollercoaster. The manner in which she dumped the relationship was cruel, dishonest, childish and with no explanation. There is a kinder way to breakup if that was the intention.


At such hurtful moments  I called unto the Lord for He has plans not to harm me but to prosper, plans to give me hope and a future (Jermaiah 29:11).


Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’(Jeremiah 33:3)


What are the unsearchable things? It’s the replacement in David. In a sea of people and possibilities, only God can identify and send me my David. And often David is not the obvious choice as man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart.


The David is often overlooked. Jesse lined up all his sons before Samuel and didn’t even call David who was outside attending to his animals. David didn’t even have a standing in his own family let alone in the world then.


God knows your David’s heart. God knows your Saul’s heart. No one is perfect or purposely cruel. We are all imperfect but a heart is deceitful above all things, but God knows my heart needs a David in this season. God may have allowed Saul to be in my life in the past, but David is who He prefers in this season.


The heart is deceitful above all things
    and beyond cure.
    Who can understand it? (Jeremiah 17:9)


The Saul in my life didn’t want to love me correctly, was inconsistent and never truly opened up. God may have allowed a relationship. We may have heard God correctly that this is person for me, but God also won’t let you die or continue to be hurt. So He had to remove Saul.


When you look at David’s qualification and Saul’s qualification, even Samuel had to be puzzled. I too was puzzled at the David that God sent me, as she can’t speak English and not even really finished high school. Samuel passes all of Jesse’s sons and then asked “are these all the sons you have?”(1 Samuel 16:11). 


To Samuel outwardly someone who only attends to sheep is unfit to rule a country. But God looks at the heart. Likewise God also says look at my David’s heart.


God qualifies the unqualified. As soon as God saw my kingdom partner’s heart, He knows He had found the right person for me.  David was anointed king but was not immediately ushered to the throne. He went back to attend to his flock and likewise my David continues to do her daily chores and work. God still needs time to shape each other for a life together, and getting to know each other. The world didn’t know David till many years later but God had recognized him and likewise my kingdom partner. 


God has handpicked my David for me. God did not overlooked my call unto Him. God will never leave me nor forsake me. My kingdom spouse will build a legacy with me.


I thank God that I am out of the old drama, out of the negativity my Saul brought, and out of the mess. Saul wanted to do things her way and not God’s way.


This is my year of answered prayers! Amen Yes Lord.

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