Monday, December 30, 2024


Happy New Year 2025

As the year 2024 comes to a close, there are many things I am grateful for - the growth, the levelling up and the transformation within.  I have learnt it’s not your job to convince others your worth, your value and your potential that God has placed in you. It is your job to know it, to embody it and to radiate it so brightly that the world can’t help but notice it.


I stopped focusing on disappointments and heartbreaks that were. I started pouring energy into my own goals, my own happiness, and my physical health. I started chasing my dreams. 


In 2025, I will focus on the person I am becoming, leaving behind those who walked away because they weren’t ready for the greatness I hold and the weight of my potential. I am walking into greatness, and will only allow people who align with the incredible future that God is building, only those who will honor and uplift me, as I power forward and up, knowing that the best is yet to come. Life is tiring enough, so let go of people who drain you.


In 2025 it is about aligning with the purpose God created me for, and all else will fall into place. I have poured into my own growth, my writings, the nights amidst years spent learning & developing the wellness courses that now has demand in other countries. I will not settle for crumbs, as I know I deserve that feast God has prepared. I will not be a person’s option, but her priority. Every step I took in 2024 is getting me closer to the career success, and life partner I deserve in 2025. 


Growth is sometimes uncomfortable and there are days I looked back and questioned myself and even God. But I know He is making my life a masterpiece and everything is unfolding as it should. Every time I chose myself, my health and taking the challenge in Shanghai; and walking away from what does not serve me anymore, I am building a foundation for a future so solid that no devil can shake. I am building a life that is precious and a character worthy of the best. The moment I believe this, the world will too.


In 2024 I have leveled up. No one can dim my light anymore. In 2025 I will rise and rise, thrive and the people who deserves me will meet me at my level with no compromise. The world needs the best version of me, not a watered down version. 


I know my journey isn’t meant for the faint hearted. My journey requires me to think out of the box, to leave my comfort zone and to overcome many fears that had limited me and others. In 2024 I had let go the old version of myself; one with many insecurities and doubts. Yes there was pain and disappointments in 2024. But I know what is more painful! Being stuck!  Stuck in a mindset that say I can’t, I'm not ready, I am inadequate; stuck in a job that has no growth nor fulfilment and doing nothing about it; stuck in habits that don’t serve you; stuck in a relationship that don’t honor you. I feel sorry for these people who stayed stuck and never progressing to what God meant them to be.


Pain after all isn’t the enemy but the greatest teacher I ever had. Every setback, every tear I shed in 2024 watered the seeds of a future so beautiful that it will leave others speechless. People who didn’t see your worth didn’t reject you, they rejected the reflection of themselves they saw in you, as you are the mirror showing the gaps in their own soul. They fear alternatives that contradict their current belief, prepared for everything except for the fact that beyond the darkness of their blindness there is a great light, a more rewarding path forward.


In 2025, new opportunities will avail, new people who matters will come into my life, there will be new success and new joy. I am destined for greatness no matter who stays or leaves. I am not just building my own future but lighting the way for others to rise as well. As you walk into 2025, may you inspire others. People watching me transform will think that if he can do it, so can I. 

I have been through storms that would have broken most souls, but I am still here, still standing and stronger than ever. I am now a force that is unbreakable. I have been forced  into the fire and now I am unshakable, unbowed, unbent.


In 2024 I found my own self. Start to own your greatness and the world will yield to you. The doors that I thought were locked are swinging open. Be inspired! In 2025 opportunities you never imagine will land on your lap. Those who left in 2024 didn’t leave me behind, they left themselves behind when they couldn’t match my energy and my passion. 


In 2025 I know I have everything inside me to build my own happiness, success and legacy. I only need the Lord to validate me, not even well meaning men. Yes going to church is good as then there is accountability in your life; but the repeated same messages on “grace” and “what you have in Christ “can be stale after a while. What I need is a prophetic voice to guide me daily in my life and my businesses. The voice of God and not the wisdom of men. 


No matter what happened in the past or in 2024, it doesn’t define you. The failures, the disappointments and the heartbreaks are ephemeral. It is just a mosquito bite. What defines you is the courage to rebuild, to shine brighter than ever before. Every ounce of energy I poured into my growth, I am rewriting my own stars, my own destiny. It has all been worth it. Amen. 


Your time has come, so make it count. Keep growing!. Keep chasing your dreams! Be the architect of your own success in 2025 and beyond. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025!




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