Friday, August 23, 2024


























Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Timeless, Ageless


In Genesis we read that Adam lived 930 years, Seth lived 912 years, Enosh lived 905 years, Kenan lived 910 years, Mahalalel lived 895 years, Jared lived 962 years, Methuselah lived 969 years, Lamech lived 777 years, and Noah lived 950 years. Perhaps the idea was to populate the earth and if a handful of initial human beings only lived up to 70 years of age it will take too long to do so.



Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.” Genesis 6:3


Then after the great flood, in Genesis 6:3 God said that we will live to 120 years.  And since we do not see people living way beyond 120 years. In fact the longest documented and verified human lifespan in modern history is that of Jeanne Calment of France, a woman who lived to age 122 years and 164 days. 


Qin Shi Huang 秦始


The Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huang desperately sought the fabled elixir of life which supposedly confers immortality. In his obsessive quest, he fell prey to many fraudulent elixirs. He visited Zhifu Island three times in his search.


In one case he sent Xu Fu, a Zhifu islander, with ships carrying hundreds of young men and women in search of the mystical Mt Penglai. They sought Anqi Sheng a thousand-year-old magician who had supposedly invited Qin Shi Huang during a chance meeting during his travels. The expedition never returned, perhaps for fear of the consequences of failure. Legends claim that they reached Japan and colonized it. 


I can feel for Xu Fu. If I returned without such elixir I face execution and certain death. In many ways I am a modern day Xu Fu being the Dean of International Stem Cell Pharmacogenic Certified Institute, and also having written many books related to antiaging.




The Elixir


As I reflect upon my recent life transformation I have the answer for Qin Shi Huang 秦始.  I find that my age is shifting backwards in a way that is almost magical, simple yet so profound. It’s true that every moment of my life is woven into the fabric of time.  Every breath that I take I find myself stepping back in time that defies logic. How can my age which is tied to time be anything other than a one way street?


The truth is that the choices I am making, the way I respond to life itself and the paths I am walking is adding life to my years and reshaping the nature of my existence.  Every act of kindness I show, forgiving those who hurt me and letting go of anger helps me turn back the hands of time. My spirit has become lighter, my soul becomes younger, and my entire being is now vibrant and alive.  God’s light is becoming brighter in me with each passing day. He gives me a fire that never burns out and a warmth that never fades. 


I believe I am not just existing but living and thriving when I live with purpose and love. The way I live makes time bend to my will and God is rewarding me with more vitality and spirit and this makes life worth living.  The wrinkles of worry is being smoothed out by my new found calmness. The lines of stress are fading away as I embrace peace. The weight of the world is lifting off my shoulders as I let go of the people who serves no purpose in my life.


I am living deliberately and not just let fate determine my destiny. I want to live intentionally with a godly purpose that is unique but beautiful. To live in a way that time will respond to me in a way that is different to others and in way no one can imagine. I am not aging but growing and expanding till that I am even reversing the effects of time.  The essence is that it is not how long you live, but the magical moments you share, the joy you generate and the love you give. When I live this graceful way I am stepping into a different kind of time. A time that is not measured in years, but in the richness of my experiences and the sincerity that rubs off to others whom I connect with.  


Every step I take with love, every decision I take with kindness is taking me to a place where time has no hold over me anymore. I am becoming more youthful, more vibrant in energy and more connected to the very essence of the life God created me to live.


God says my journey is only just beginning. Walking in His path of light and love is changing the way I age. I am a spiritual being having a temporal earthly existence. My inner spirit is growing younger while on earth I am growing wiser, more compassionate and more in tune with His will for me. I am beginning to realize that my life is extraordinary in words that I cant describe. 


My age is decreasing coz the way I live honors Him. Every time I choose love over fear and hate, every time I see the good in others I am adding life to years, not years to life. There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, that it ill behooves any of us to find fault with the rest of us. This enlightenment is healing and eternal. It is the reason why I feel more alive than say ten years ago. I am tapping into something timeless. Time is now not my enemy but my ally helping me to be the person that God intended me to be. I am not defined by my age but by the joy I create, the love I give and the light I bring into the world.


I am a miracle in motion and a testament of God’s love. My spirit is growing younger, my heart feels lighter and my soul is shining brighter than ever before. Lord Jesus thank you for defining my story, my journey, because it is a beautiful one. I will keep moving forward according to Your plans with Your love, power and purpose and time will bend to my will. God and my guardian angels are with me every step of the way, cheering me on, guiding me and and reminding me the incredible destiny ahead of me. 


I am not aging but evolving to into the highest and most beautiful version of myself. The Holy Spirit is leading me to a path of transformation; of His love, renewal within, light and eternal youth. A transformation with endless possibilities, to be a blessing and to be a beacon of light in this increasingly chaotic world. 


I have found the purpose of my existence and hence have become timeless and ageless. My life will not just be lived but celebrated by God. He loves me, cherishes me and leading me to a path of joy, peace and eternal life.  This is my moment to savour His love and peace and to become timeless.


Nothing can stop His divine plan for my life in a world that is ruthless and tough. He is my ever presence in times of need. As he showers me with blessings all my fears and worries disappear. He turns my sorrow into joy. He is the light that shines in darkness and He will unfold all that is meant to be.  

Friday, August 16, 2024


Love is a beautiful emotion

Love is complex but a beautiful emotion

It may be felt but not spoken

Hidden and not revealed

True feelings take time to express


Love is a journey with twists and turns

Ups and down

True love that is hidden will surely come to light

Everything happens for a reason 

Love will  eventually reveal itself


In moments of silence and separation when no words are spoken

Love  often finds it purest expression

Silence clarifies love

It verifies it


Love is powerful force that shapes our destiny

When acknowledged and nurtured it can bring immense joy and fulfilment


O’ Lord give me a larger capacity to love

Give me a heart where love can flourish

Shape me to be patient and kind

I want a love that is honest, open and mutual

Make me worthy of such love


Love is complicated

But is the most rewarding experience

Love is always worth the effort, worth the wait

Am I deserving of love that is honest, reciprocated?

Lord I trust Your process

The power of Your love

To heal, to bring us closer together


I have shown my true self and vulnerability

Give me strength and courage O’Lord

As the world fades only faith, hope and love remains

But the greatest of these is love


































Saturday, August 10, 2024






缘份尽了 你别回头

如果还有什么 值得我逗留

我想是你 爱过我


眼泪可以不流 心碎不能救

不让疼痛有路追究 我不后悔我曾爱过你



短暂的幸福 拥有就足够

只要舍得 就会快乐











Thursday, August 08, 2024


A Better One

I was dating Miss B for a while and from prayers felt that she was  the one God had approved. In the spirit, Pastor Charles also confirmed God had approved her and that she was sincere and liked me. But after a few months she pulled away without giving me a reason. It was painful but God the Holy Spirit healed me with time.


Esther in the Bible


We all know about the story of Queen Esther, a young Jewish woman living in the Persian diaspora who finds favour with the king, who becomes queen, and risks her life to save the Jewish people from destruction. Esther was not a choice to become queen. If Vasthi was obedient there would be no space for Esther to become queen.


In the biblical Book of Esther, Vashti appears only briefly. The first wife of King Ahasuerus, she refuses her husband’s summons to parade before his friends at a party and — after the king and his advisors hold an emergency consultation about her shocking insubordination — is banished from the king. This paves the way for the story of Esther becoming Queen.


The essence is that God always has a Plan B, and often Plan B may be better.



King David


Saul was chosen by God to be the first king of Israel. However, God rejected Saul because Saul rejected God. More specifically, Saul rejected God's word delivered by Samuel.


The Israelites wanted a king to lead them. Saul disappointed them but God had a Plan B. Because of the disappointment, God gave them a better man, David, a man after God’s heart. Even before God rejected Saul, He had been preparing David to take over from Saul.



As Samuel turned to leave, Saul caught hold of the hem of his robe, and it tore.  Samuel said to him, “The Lord has torn the kingdom of Israel from you today and has given it to one of your neighbours—to one better than you. 29 He who is the Glory of Israel does not lie or change his mind; for he is not a human being, that he should change his mind.” (1 Samuel 15:27-28) NIV.


New King James Version reads, “and the LORD has done for Himself as He spoke by me. For the LORD has torn the kingdom out of your hand and given it to your neighbour, David.” God literally took the throne away from Saul and gave it to David. God said  to “the one better than Saul”.


Likewise, God has prepared an even better kingdom spouse for me. Because of the disappointment when Miss B pulled out, it makes room for God to replace her with a better person. Someone to do God's end-time work together; and be elevated financially, business-wise, socially and prosper together. 


Praise God!

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